
Welcome to my blog! This is a place for me to organize and display my thoughts on education and get feedback. My current plan is to open a private high school called Murray Academy. Above are pages with my most recent thoughts. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Etiquette School of Atlanta

Other important lessons I think my students should learn in culture class: 

Why Do I Act the Way I Do?
Be Positive & Be Responsible
Set Goals for Now & Tomorrow
Manage Your Time
Practice on Abundance Mentality
Using Active & Emphatic Listening
Be Open To Continuous Improvement
Celebrate Diversity
Interviewing Skills

Time Management & A Study Inventory
Note Taking From Lectures
Listening Skills for Better Understanding
Constructing Study Sheets
Power Reading
Better Report Writing
Getting More From Textbooks
Graphic Organizers & Visualization
Test-Taking Skills

I think the school-focused topics should be taught to the younger classes especially. 

Etiquette School of Atlanta

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