
Welcome to my blog! This is a place for me to organize and display my thoughts on education and get feedback. My current plan is to open a private high school called Murray Academy. Above are pages with my most recent thoughts. Enjoy!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Executive Board

To start MA, I need a Board of Directors. I need a lawyer, an accountant, and me. I might bring someone on for fundraising (Robert Archibald - Fundraising staff must raise more than their compensation), someone who can do IT work, and a parent.

Eventually, I want a lot of schools and programs that answer to an executive board. I heard a lot of terms thrown around at the AEI event that I thought I should note as possibilities:

CEO: Chief Executive Officer – ensure quality is high
CFO: Chief Financial Officer – ensure cost is low
CIO: Chief Information/Intelligence Officer – collect and use data within and from outside the schools. Also figure out how to keep the schools running with different potential obstacles.
CLO: Chief Legal Officer
COO: Chief Operating Officer – me?
CAO: Chief Academic Officer
Executive Director – me?

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